A small cut may be deeper than a graze but it is usually the least problematic thing to heal. Initial bleeding will flush out impurities and then stop on its own accord. Fixed with a plaster, the smooth edges of the wound will generally grow together neatly (primary wound healing). A graze, on the other hand, may only affect the uppermost layer of skin (the epidermis) but its treatment is often complicated by foreign objects and dirt as well as heavy weeping. 

Clean the wound carefully

Rinse the wound carefully with cold water – but don’t rub it. You can carefully remove splinters and small pieces of grit from the surface using sterile tweezers. It is better to leave larger objects and ones that are hard to remove to a physician so that you don’t damage the tissue any more. Disinfect the area around the wound to prevent infection. Grazes often weep heavily; to prevent healthy skin around the edges of the wound from swelling up and getting damaged, we recommend an absorbent plaster, which should be changed often.

Seek medical advice

A case for the physician: puncture wounds – especially involving foreign objects – animal scratches and bites, large-scale burns and heavily bleeding wounds should be treated by a physician.